
LabLaw confirms it is an award-winning law firm at the Legal Community Labour Awards 2020

It was an award-winning evening for LABLAW on September 17th, 2020 at the gala Legal Community Labour Awards with the team coming home with 4 prestigious awards!

Law Firm Alliance of the Year
LABLAW and Deloitte Legal have created a strategic alliance that aims to redesign the traditional dynamics of the legal sector. The two firms will remain independent and autonomous realities, but will activate important synergies in the area of litigation and consultancy.
Employment Litigation Law Firm of the Year
LABLAW is a law firm which is among the market leaders in labor law. In the last year, their practice registered 20% of firm revenues. The team is exalted for its ability to best solve all of the most complex issues.
Sports Law Lawyer of the Year | Francesco Rotondi
Among the creators of one of the first Italian practices dedicated to sports law, Francesco Rotondi regularly provides support to agents regarding contractual issues of football celebrities from Series A and B teams.
AIDP Legal Pioneer Award | Francesco Rotondi
In recent years, Francesco Rotondi has developed a series of specific reflections and proposals on the subject of hybrid work, particularly in the banking sector. He is one of the most involved in experimenting with new forms of labor regulation.
AIDP is the Italian Association of Personnel Directors.
For more information on this awards ceremony click here.

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