
EU4BUSINESS: Connecting Companies – Sewing a Chain between Ukraine, Spain, and Italy

Camera di Commercio di Spagna in Italia has been selected as the leading BSO of the project “Sewing a chain between Ukraine, Spain, and Italy – which will focus on sustainability, internationalization, and digitalization for Textile Sector, in the framework of the EU4Business Connecting Companies project.

EU4Business: Connecting Companies is a project managed by EUROCHAMBRES and funded under the EU4Business initiative of the EU.

The project is being developed in the framework of the Eastern Partnership – EaP in order to strengthen relations between the EU and its six Eastern neighbors (Armenia Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine).

The first online preliminary meeting has been held today in the presence of the 14 participating SMEs from Ukraine and Spain and all the BSOs which will collaborate with our Chamber for the development of the project:
–  The Dnipropetrovsk Chamber of Commerce & Industry (co-applicant)
–  ASTUREX. Sociedad de Promoción Exterior Principado de Asturias, S.A.
–  Assomoda
–  Chernihiv Light Industry Cluster
–  BE in UA design market

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